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Introducing the Liberty Line

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Check out our new brushes!

The Liberty Line features our Eclipse and Enchantment brushes, available in fun colors or high-quality wood and made in the USA with 100% Premium Boar Bristle or Boargan (tm), our vegan boar bristle! 

Boargan offers a cheaper, cruelty-free option, while still maintaining many of the benefits of 100% boar bristle. Boargan is great for all hair types, and delivers excellent performance. 

Boar Bristle has AMAZING benefits on your hair, including: 

Clean hair - The soft but sturdy bristle removes dirt, dust, lint, and flakes from the hair and scalp, as well as buildup from styling products.

Hair Growth - The gentle massaging action of the brush increases blood flow to the scalp, which helps hair follicles grow

Reduced frizz - Distributes sebum, which acts as an anti-frizz treatment, along the hair strands.

Balanced oil production - Stimulate the scalp's oil glands to produce more oil if it's underproducing.

Reduced oil - Distribute oil throughout the hair, preventing it from weighing down and building up at the roots.

Detangling - Boar allows for gentle untangling 

Improved hair elasticity - The brush's keratin-rich bristles can improve hair's elasticity, waterproofing, and resistance.

Reduced breakage - Distribute natural oils along the hair, resulting in thicker, shinier hair with less breakage.

Discouraged ingrown hairs - Unclog pores and exfoliate dead skin cells, which can discourage ingrown hairs from forming. 





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